FABS is MEGA’s biggest event of the year, with proceeds benefiting mentor programs. In addition to the fine art sale, student art from participating MEGA Mentors’ schools were also featured for purchase.
A total of 19 students from Ettrick ES, Hening ES, Salem Church MS, Carver College and Career Academy, and James River HS participated in the FABS student art sale this year. Congratulations to them for their artistic contributions!
The student art program was added a few years ago with the goal to get students and their families more involved with FABS. All proceeds go back to the school art departments, which MEGA is proud to support.
Photo caption: The Salem Church Middle School Art Department receives a check from MEGA Mentors. From left: Classroom mentors Rueben Turner and Arya Pazhwak; SCMS student; mentor Patrice Turner; SCMS teacher, Nicholas Olson, SCMS principal; SCMS student; SCMS teacher; SCMS student; and classroom mentor Rueben Turner. (Photo courtesy of Jim Heard.)