“Thank you for organizing the recent food drive. Although it was a bit cold, my kids had a fantastic time! My two youngest were so excited and kept asking if they could volunteer more often.”
Heather Gayle, Prospective Parent
Chesterfield County Public Schools
“My son is participating in the summer [2021] MEGA Mentors program. He is thoroughly enjoying his sessions. Thank you!”
Shanet Foots-Beatty, Parent
Manchester Middle School
“I am extremely proud of the incredible success of MEGA Mentors and the life changing results they are making with our students. In just a few short years MEGA Mentors have become the premier mentoring program in Chesterfield County. These dedicated men and women are unsung heroes in our community who do not seek personal praise or recognition, but rather selfless satisfaction in knowing that they are positively changing lives for some of our most needy youth. God Bless You!”
Marcus J. Newsome, Ed.D.
(Former Superintendent Petersburg City Public Schools)
(Former Chesterfield County Public Schools Superintendent)
“I observed a great deal of maturity and growth within the mentees, as well as consistent or improved grades. The consistency of the MEGA Mentors is what went well at this school.”
James Holmes, Coordinator
Falling Creek Middle School
“One of the best things about mentoring is watching the growth of the students as they navigate their school life with better decision making, increased confidence as their grades improve and, the look on their faces when achievements are recognized. None of the students start with the same set of grades or circumstances but, they are all capable of achieving and maturing as they continue in the program. I enjoy walking through the process with them.”
Machel Jones, Mentor
Thomas Dale High School
“My mentors (God too, of course) kept me motivated to keep trying and do my best. Even if I am a little short of my best, I kept going simply because I knew that you all told me it for a reason. I am really thankful that God blessed me with the opportunity to meet such strong, bold, beautiful, independent, successful, and smart women of color like my mentors.”
Okiya, Student
Thomas Dale High School
“Your (MEGA) mere presence makes a difference to our students.”
Andrew Mey, Principal
Meadowbrook High School
“Please understand that behavioral and performance change for these students does not necessarily occur overnight. I believe MEGA Mentors has planted seeds that will take root and grow over time. Some of these students are facing major obstacles in life. I don’t see what MEGA Mentors is doing as changing performance and behaviors, I see MEGA Mentors changing lives. In my opinion, changing lives is more important!”
Bryan Curtis, Administrator
Thomas Dale High School
“I think it is good for students in our population to have a strong male or female role model in their lives, because that is lacking for so many of them. I have seen our MEGA Mentor representatives going so far above and beyond for the students, helping them with homework, accountability and support.”
Kelly Depew, Guidance Counselor
Providence Middle School
“Thank you for the many hours you have spent with my son. Thank you for the encouragement, your thoughtfulness and your dedication to our young men and women.”
Dorothy Hamlin, Parent
Providence Middle School
“I am a Chesterfield Community High School graduate (2015) and was in MEGA Mentors for the last two years. I went to every meeting and field trip available. I was the 2015 MEGA Mentors Student of the Year. I was so honored to be chosen! I am now in college and on the road to success for which this program has prepared me for. MEGA has helped me in many ways and coming from a rough educational background, the program has helped me grow. I now would like to help other students grow and become successful. I would love to share my story of how I went from a major downfall to becoming successful.”
Vernisha Benson, Former Student
Carver College and Academy
“I had the joy of teaching a student last year when she was in 7th grade; I am also her science teacher this 2018-2019 school year. Last year she did not attend school very often and her grades suffered. She seemed to have no drive at all. This year she is a part of MEGA Mentors and is attending school more, and she even checks her grades weekly to make sure she is not falling behind in any of her classes. This is a huge step for her. She attends all the field trips provided by MEGA Mentors and she is even becoming more social, I have also noticed how she isn’t afraid to speak up and advocate for herself or others. She is one of many students that come to mind when I think about the impact of this program. I am so excited to get a chance to witness greatness.”
Nashara Tucker, Coordinator
Manchester Middle School
Hope Survey Student Testimonials
“I learned how to compromise, the importance of time management and the difference between a leader and or follower.”
The three biggest things MEGA taught me are: There are many solutions to a conflict if you have one. Saving is a really important aspect to having money. You should always follow your dreams even if you feel like giving up.”
“MEGA Mentors is the reason why I’m passing my classes.”
“I learned how to apply real life problem-solving skills while learning about technology.”
“They have helped me realize that I need to plan ahead and be thinking about what I plan to do after college. I always need to be one step ahead if I want to achieve my goals.”
“MEGA Mentors is a good program because it prepares middle school students for the future, it helps them learn how to cope with certain problems and helps them in school.”
“Thank you for taking time out of your day to come and help our community in our schools.”
“MEGA Mentors has opened my eyes to a lot and has made me more excited for the future.”
“I’ve enjoyed being in MEGA Mentors ever since the 7th grade and I still do because they are honestly interested in my future and plans.”
“I wish that the sessions were until the end of the year, because I am going to REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY miss the sessions!!! They taught me alot about core values and current life situations. I will really miss them I also look forward to coming back nexty year!”
“I recommended this program to other students to help them get some self-confidence.”
“I really enjoyed MEGA Mentors because the mentors take their time to help us succeed in life.”
“This program is great to look forward to if you aren’t sure how to complete a certain goal or aren’t sure about your after high school plans. It’s also a great way to communicate with others and build your communication skills.”
“MEGA Mentors is a good program and everyone cares about me being successful in the future.”
“It is the best part of school to meet your goals to keep you on track.”
“I like being in MEGA Mentors because if I have anyting I need to talk about I can talk to them. It gives me free time to talk about important things like school and how I want to live in the future. I feel like MEGA Mentors is a great program because students that struggle or have a hard time in school can participate and it will help them.”
“MEGA Mentors has influenced the way I value my education.”
“At first I was hesitant, but now that I have attended a couple of sessions, I really do enjoy it. With the guest speakers I see myself meeting the goals I have for myself like they did. I am the only thing holding myself back. Every meeting I come to I feel better about myself and I get closer to acheiving my goals and bettering myself, and that is all “MEGA Mentors has influence the way I value my education.due to MEGA Mentors.”
“MEGA Mentors has impacted my life to study and get better grades thank you MEGA Mentors!”