MEGA stands for “Mentors Expecting Greater Achievement.” We are a mentoring organization based in Chesterfield County, Virginia. We believe in equal education for all and that all children deserve an equal opportunity to share in America’s bounty through education and mentorship. We believe in working with public and private organizations to bring resources and attention to the needs of students to improve their success rate. We believe it takes a village to raise a child. Because of these beliefs, we are committed to our mission of growing this movement and helping at-risk students become more successful in Chesterfield County Public Schools (CCPS). Respect, Responsibility, Effort and Achievement = Success.
MEGA Mentors started in 2009 with a challenge from Dr. Marcus Newsome, former CCPS superintendent. He asked for community men to unite and mentor local students in need of assistance. From these humble beginnings, our organization now has a diverse population of over 300 members serving in dozens of CCPS schools.
Check out our Year in Review and other videos on MEGA’s YouTube Channel to learn more.
MEGA Mentors is a fully qualified 501 (c)3 charitable organization under IRS regulations. Donations are tax deductible as provided by law.