Excellence Awards and Recognition Celebration honors top students, school staff MEGA held its annual Excellence Awards and Recognition Celebration May 25th to celebrate an entire school year of accomplishments among... MORE MEGA camp grooms future information technology professionals The MEGA Mentors Information Technology Camp recently concluded its Spring 2023 session with much groundwork laid and hopes for future... MORE CCPS student art featured at FABS FABS is MEGA’s biggest event of the year, with proceeds benefiting mentor programs. In addition to the fine art sale,... MORE Fine Art Benefit & Sale returns to in-person after two-year virtual fundraising MEGA’s Season of Sharing kicked off December 1, 2022, and concluded January 13, 2023, with the annual Fine Art Benefit... MORE MEGA receives prestigious grant MEGA Mentors received of one of six grants awarded in November 2020 by the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation in... MORE Hening receives MEGA Mentors' School of the Year award By Jennifer Drummond J.G. Hening Elementary School received the MEGA Mentors 2021-22 School of the Year award at the annual Excellence... MORE Speakers' Bureau Spotlight MEGA’s Speakers’ Bureau program introduces our students to real people from various walks of life as they discuss their life... MORE CCPS Volunteer Application Renewal Members who have completed the CCPS volunteer application in the past will receive a renewal notification via email. The timeframe... MORE Excellence Awards and Recognition Celebration MEGA Mentors held its annual end-of-school-year recognition event and dinner June 3, 2022 to celebrate the vast accomplishments of student... MORE MEGA leadership changes MEGA leadership held its annual board meeting Aug. 26, 2021, which included voting in new officers and board members. See the... MORE MEGA successfully completes first summer program MEGA launched its first summer mentoring program at the end of the 2020-21 school year. The 18 virtual sessions ran... MORE Johnny C. Beaton Jr. Obituary Veteran MEGA member Johnny Beaton Jr. passed away Nov. 25, 2021. Mr. Beaton was a Carver Middle School mentor and... MORE Schools mingle at Meet & Greet event Carver Middle and Ecoff Elementary schools held a Meet & Greet event July 29 at the Grand Oaks apartment complex... MORE Member Highlight: Board Member Greg Cummings Congratulations to Greg Cummings, MEGA’s Vice President of Programming, for being honored at the upcoming Chesterfield County Public Schools Hall... MORE MEGA featured in CEF monthly newsletters The Chesterfield Education Foundation is featuring MEGA Mentors in the “Spotlight” section of its August-October newsletters. Check out the August and... MORE MEGA Member Writes Leadership Book Former CCPS superintendent Marcus Newsome coauthored a book entitled “Breakthrough Leadership: Six Principles Guiding Schools Where Inequity Is Not an... MORE Member Highlight: Board Member Ed Baine Congratulations to Ed Baine on his recent promotion to President of Dominion Energy Virginia! He is the first African American/Black... MORE BHMVA hiring Education Coordinator The Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia is seeking to broaden its community impact with the assistance of... MORE Speakers' Bureau at Thomas Dale HS Ninth grade MEGA students at Thomas Dale High School learned how to choose a career during a Speakers’ Bureau session... MORE Speakers' Bureau at Carver Academy Students at Carver Academy learned about the construction industry February 24 during a MEGA Speakers’ Bureau session. Larry Murphy, a MEGA... MORE Delta Sigma Theta donates money to MEGA The Chesterfield Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., awarded MEGA Mentors over $5,100 during the chapter’s Founders Day... MORE MEGA awarded VISTA volunteer MEGA Mentors was selected as a Host Site as part of the MENTOR Virginia AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer in Service to... MORE Providence MS receives award, recognition Providence Middle was named the 2019 MEGA Mentors School of the Year during a ceremony March 3 where the school... MORE Members Attend Annual Meeting, Enjoy Comedy Over 70 members attended MEGA’s Annual Meeting Sept. 17 at John Tyler Community College Midlothian Campus. Members learned about MEGA’s... MORE